In Uganda, 29 percent of children under 5 years are stunted; 32 percent of women 15–49 years and 53 percent of children 6–59 months are anaemic; and only 14 percent of children 6–23 months receive a minimum acceptable diet. Improving these nutrition outcomes has great implications for the health and development of Uganda and requires a coordinated, multi-sectoral response.

As the Uganda Vision 2040 acknowledges, nutrition is a key driver of human capital development and inclusive growth. Recognising the complexity of improving the nutrition situation, the Government of Uganda has developed a national multi-sectoral nutrition coordination framework that is outlined in the Uganda Nutrition Action Plan. Implementing the framework requires strong leadership, coordination, collaboration, and buy-in from the various ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs), partners, and organizations— from all levels of government—as these groups have varying mandates and different levels of experience in nutrition programming. Nutrition coordination committees are responsible for implementing the coordination framework at the local government level.